Desktop Viewer
The role of the Desktop Viewer is to enable development and operation of all desktop specialized modules. When there are no additional modules installed, it is a classic GIS browser with the usual functionalities intended for data access and analyses.
The spatial positioning, that is, searching for locations in space, is possible using addresses, parcels, buildings, equipment, utility infrastructure, customer service, coordinates, streets, districts, residential areas, etc.
The Desktop Viewer recognizes all of the usual spatial and attribute selections. Of particular interest to users, is a logical operator which enables unlimited combinations of the aforementioned parameters.
There is a well-designed tool for putting together statistics. This is possible with the simultaneous use of an unlimited number of attributes. The statistical results can be exported and analyzed in other programs such as MS Excel.
The graphics editor and the commands for determining position, length and area, use snap for better positional accuracy. There are many commands for drawing and editing lines, polygons, points and texts.
For visualization, i.e. adjustment of the method of drawing of spatial data on a map, there are a large number of symbols and different options. In this way, each user can customize the spatial data view for easier browsing and analysis of the data, in order to execute the current task. Of course, the user can completely change the visualization according to the needs of his/her current task.
Working with vector and raster (e.g. orthophoto, surveying drawings of different scales, ...) backgrounds is completely automated. For better performance, orthophoto images are pyramided, which means that the displayed resolution of the orthophoto image and therefore its "weight", is dependent on the current map scale. CAD drawings are imperceptibly cut into smaller areas, which the algorithm merges to cover the currently visible space.
There are an unlimited number of formats for printing by printers and plotters, with the possibility of using templates with the company logo, legend, and other commonly-included data.
Our browser has many advantages over competitors’ GIS browsers, mostly due to the good compatibility between the software and our own data model (e.g. longer, understandable names for all spatial layers, tables, attributes, relational data of spatial layers). Its greatest strength comes from a series of specific commands and functions adapted to individual municipal infrastructure. In this way, the user is given a broad range of functionalities, which is not offered by general-purpose GIS software.
This module is required for all workplaces where the installation of desktop PRoGIS modules is planned, or for workplaces that require selection and execution of complex analyses. The Web Viewer will be sufficient for all other workplaces.